Elizabeth, Case Manager CFO
Elizabeth , CFO studied Differential Education with major in Mental Retardation and Visual
Abnormalities in the University of Concepcion, Chile. She moved to USA, and attended to
Indiana University Southeast which she was invited to be part of Kappa Delta PI, International
Honor Society and graduated with honors with BA in the year 2000 from Oglethorpe University
which also was invited to be part of Phi Beta Delta International Honor Society, Oglethorpe &
Awards University being part of the Dean’s List and Lanier Scholarship recipient.
Elizabeth started to work in the year 2000 in the Early Intervention Program, Babies Cannot
Wait. In 2001, Elizabeth completed the outstanding Individual learning project for Typical and
Atypical Development for the SCEIs project, which was recognized by Associate director, and
with a copy to the Department of Human Resources Division of Public Health EI Coordinator.
2002 Elizabeth completed the SCEIs (skilled credentialed early interventionists) 2 years project
with collaborating institutions, Clark University, Georgia Collage and State University, Georgia
Southern University, Medical College of Georgia, North Georgia College and State University
and University of Georgia. In 2002, Elizabeth was eligible by the state of GA to enroll in the
DMA, Early Intervention Case Management Program. Elizabeth started to be part of the
eligibility evaluation team for Babies Cannot Wait, also she worked as Service Coordinator,
managing Physical, Occupational, Speech therapies and Special Instructors. In the same year
Elizabeth completed the intermediate level on Oral Motor Assessment Intervention presented
by Debra Beckman. In 2003, parallel to her current job, Babies Cannot Wait offered Elizabeth
the position for the Intake Coordinator for Gwinnett, Newton and Rockdale counties. During
these years Elizabeth experienced to work with children with different delays and diagnosis.
Also during these years Elizabeth assisted children with multiple IEP transitional meetings in the
school system. In 2004, Elizabeth started her certification on Sensory Integration at Sensory
Integration International, THE AYNES CLINIC. In 2007, she started her registered nurse program
at Georgia perimeter collage which she was on the Dean’s List and invited her to join the Phi
Theta Kappa International Honor Society. In 2008, Elizabeth decided to join Atlanta
International PT Inc as Case Manager. Elizabeth furthered her education in the area of early
intervention by attending continuing education courses, leading in-services in the clinic and
providing consults and assistance to families at AIPT. In 2020, Elizabeth finished her master
degree in science in applied behavior analysis, from the Chicago School of Professional
Psychology with Honors and completed applied project proposal on Training Parent to
Implement Specified Feeding Protocol with Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder through two
Functional Analysis Assessment in both languages (English and Spanish) during the pandemic.
In 2022, Elizabeth accepted the position as CFO in AIPT. Now Elizabeth is preparing for her
postmaster degree and training professionals for nonprofit organization in Chile.